The Ontario Cereal Industry Research Council (OCIRC) is a unique, industry funded collaboration. Since 2004, OCIRC has been driving grain and pulse research that benefits the entire agri-food value chain from producers to consumers. Vision: University of Guelph is a global leader in grains and pulse research that benefits the agri-food value chain Mission: To drive collaborative research that addresses diverse consumer needs and enhances sustainability across the agri-food value chain OCIRC uses contributions from the membership to leverage research funds. These funds are used to support a unique and robust research program, under the direction of Dr. Iris Joye and her team from the University of Guelph’s Cereal Science and Technology Research Group. Our current members include: – Ardent Mills – Dare Foods Limited – Everspring Farm – Griffith Foods Limited – Mondelez International – P&H Milling Group If you are interested in becoming an OCIRC member, contact